Celebrating the Feast of St Valentine
Dear Friends,
On the 14th day of February, we celebrate the Feast of St Valentine, who died a martyr on this day in 270 AD. We don’t know much about Valentine, but various myths and legends have turned him into a patron saint of romance.
For some, Valentine’s Day is a happy day – not least for florists! For others, this is a lonely day. I came across this prayer by Pete Greig, a Christian author who has written various books on the topic of prayer. I like his honesty!
“I pray today for those in love, those out of love, and those in between. I remember especially those who find themselves a little bit lonelier than normal.
Lord, I do not pray today for loved-up couples, exchanging overpriced flowers and foil-wrapped hearts, leaking pheromones like diesel fumes at candlelit dinners. I’m pretty sure they will be OK.
Instead, I hereby dedicate this happy-crappy day to anyone caring for a loved-one with a chronic illness of body, mind or soul. Lord let them be a little bit more okay because I prayed.
On this day named after one of your unmarried saints, would you please bring a little unexpected joy to anyone wistfully buying flowers for themselves? Let their daffodils last longer and shine brighter than the red roses that also caught their eye.
God of all comfort, strengthen single parents on this difficult day. Let their kids be kind, let their teens tidy their bedrooms, and if that's a miracle too far (I realise you've got a lot on in the world right now), could they at least be less grumpy and initiate a hug at bedtime?
And so, may the arms of love, flung wide on the cross, embrace the unlovely and unloving parts of my world, my workplace, and my life today. Forgive me, I pray, for this cheap, hysterical, isolating thing I have sometimes made of love, of life, and of You.”
Love and prayers,