Christening, or Holy Baptism, is the service in which a child or adult joins the family of God, the Church. It is a very special occasion, the official start of the journey of faith, that goes on throughout our life on earth and into eternity.
Why Have Your Child Christened?
Your child is precious to you and precious to God. You want the very best for them, and so does God. You want them to make the right choices for themselves and others. So your child’s christening is the beginning of a wonderful journey with God, shared with parents, godparents, family and the local church. It’s the start of a lifetime of discovering more of faith, hope and love.
In our churches we are always delighted to hear from parents who are thinking about having their children baptised into the family of the church. You will have an opportunity to meet one of the clergy and discuss your plans. There are no fees associated with this service, though we would welcome a donation if you feel able to make one.

Who Can Be Christened In Church?
Anyone living in the Parish has the right to ask for Holy Baptism. If you live elsewhere but have a clear connection, you can ask for your child or yourself to be baptised in one of our churches. As the service says, ’The Church receives this child with joy’.
Which Church Can We Have Our Christening In?
Christenings normally take place at St Thomas's church.
What Is The Process?
The first step is to get in touch with us. You can do this in a numbers of ways; by using the Contact Us button on this page or by contacting the Vicar or Church Wardens directly.
We will arrange an initial visit to you to discuss your request and explain the process. We will invite your family to a service to join in worship and then, with Godparents, to the Baptism Preparation Meeting (held every few months), in which we explain what Baptism means for your child and those bringing him or her. This includes a brief rehearsal, to put everyone at ease. Each family is also invited to choose one of the hymns for the day of baptism.
On the day, you and your families will be given a warm welcome and we encourage all to keep in touch afterwards, such as through our monthly Family Service and other events, so that your child and family know they are always welcome. We send cards on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd anniversary of the baptism, as a way of keeping in touch.
Not Ready For Baptism?
Sometimes parents choose a thanksgiving service for their birth of their child, which includes prayers of gratitude for the gift of their baby, and prayers of blessing for God's grace in their lives. A full christening can then follow at a later date.
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