How To Donate

We express our thanks to God in many ways, including through our giving of money to enable the ministry and mission of St Thomas's and St James's to flourish.

Giving Financially

Like any family, St Thomas's and St James's has to pay its bills; just to make ends meet, we have to raise over £1000 per week to run our churches. Some of that is funded by church hire fees, Gift Aid and one or two other sources, but the biggest part - 81% - is directly from donations.

It often surprises people when they learn that individual churches receive no financial support from the national Church or the Government, and that it is the generosity of church members themselves that enables our work to continue. Every donation helps – whether large or small.

Digital Donations

You can make a digital donation using debit card, Apple-Pay or G-Pay using the button below.   

Regular Giving

Other than by cash in the plate at the door there are a number of ways to donate.

One way to give regularly is using a bank standing order. This document can be downloaded by clicking the button. Please fill it in and return it to the Treasurer.

Those who prefer to use cheques please make them payable to: Osbaldwick & Murton Parochial Church Council.

To use faster payments via Internet banking – either for a one-off, or regular donation, the details to be entered are:
Name: Osbaldwick & Murton Parochial Church Council
Sort Code: 09-01-52
Account: 83619708

Alternatively you may give into the collection plate during the service either using pre-arranged envelopes or directly with cash or a cheque.

Tax payers often opt to make a Gift-Aid declaration which enables us to claim an additional percentage from the government. This is currently 25 pence in the pound, so quite significant. Please fill in the form below and return it to the Treasurer.

Donate As You Shop

If you shop online (Amazon, supermarkets, insurance, holiday etc) you can do so via Easyfundraising. All you need to do is signup below. The donations are made by the sites you visit for every purchase you make – it costs you nothing! All you need to do is access your favourite retailer via the Easyfundraising site.


Scan the QR code with your mobile phone to go directly to our Easyfundraising page.

Leaving A Legacy

If you would like to arrange a donation in your will. Thank you! Such donations should specify Osbaldwick & Murton Parochial Church Council as the beneficiary and may also detail a purpose - usually this is the General Fund, or the Restoration Appeal.

Leaving a legacy is easy to do, can reduce the tax paid by your estate and will make a significant contribution to the work of our churches.

Privacy Matters

Our Data Privacy Notice is available to view here.

Thank you so much for all your support which enables us to continue to serve the communities of Osbaldwick, Murton and Derwenthorpe.