The Church gathers primarily for worship, to celebrate all that God is and all that God has done, to be drawn into the life of the Trinity: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We offer God songs and words of praise in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Sunday Services
You will receive a very warm welcome when you join our worship which takes many forms, both old and new. There are hymns and prayers to join in with, readings from the Bible and a sermon of about 10 minutes duration which connects up the Bible passages with everyday life.
A service of Holy Communion (said) is held once a month on Sunday at 8.00am at St Thomas's, which is always in the traditional form.
The main Sunday services are held at St Thomas's and consist of a variety of different worships throughout the month. On the first Sunday of each month, we hold either Morning Prayer, Cafe Church or Family Worship. Baptisms are normally held during one of these services. Parish Communion is held on the second and fourth Sundays and a special Family Eucharist Communion is held on the third Sunday. If there is a fifth Sunday in the month then this is normally Morning Prayer.
All the 10am services are in a modern form. Most of our services have hymns and there is a talk or sermon given by the Vicar or Lay Minister.

At St James's, the service is usually on the 2nd Sunday at 4.00pm and varies in its form. It may be Evensong in the traditional Book of Common Prayer form or in the modern Common Worship form and sometimes there is a Service of the Word or Songs of Praise.

Whichever form of worship suits you, we look forward to welcoming you to one of our services. Please check our services calendar on the homepage for the latest details. You will receive a very warm welcome.