Parish Link - August 2022

The Way Ahead

The Way Ahead

Dear Friends,

We recently received permission to replace the guttering along the northside of St Thomas’s. This decision has been long-awaited and allows us to move forward with its replacement, repairing the water damage and redecorating so that the church can continue its long life of 950 - or so - years.

It marks a new beginning, and this decision means that we can plan the way ahead.

After 34 years of serving you and St Hilda’s as Reader I will move to Scotland and a new beginning.

Initially, I thought of calling it a day and hanging up my scarf but I have a feeling that God has not finished with me yet and there awaits a new beginning in pastures new.

I cannot know but, as with all endings and beginnings, I have found that commitment to the future good is Godly advice. So my analogy of guttering, whilst some may think I am in need of repair, is not far off the mark. The important thing is commitment to the purposes of God’s future.

But before I leave I am grateful for the opportunity of thanking all of you for giving me the privilege of serving you and in sharing in your lives. Now I know that only priests ought to give a blessing in God’s name but you know me – wasn’t much for rules.

So may God be on you right to council you, on your left to console you, behind to defend you and beneath to uphold you, but above all may He be above you to bless you in the remaining journey of your lives here on Osbaldwick, Murton, Derwenthorpe and perhaps further afield.

